Saturday, December 29, 2007

We hope every one had a great Christmas. Most of all that everyone really understands the meaning of this time. That now because of Jesus our relationship can be restored that Adam and Eve had. We can walk and talk with God every day in constant fellowship. I thank God for the bundle of hope that was lying in the manger 2000 years ago and continues to give us hope today. A big thanks to all those who supported us with prayer, financially and with physical service. Without this we couldn't do what God has called us to do. The staff as well as my family have been able to impact many lives this year, all glory to God. Continue to pray for those who have started down the road to recovery from drugs, alcohol as well as mental problems. God is the great physician and continues to heal these lives. Here is a few names so you can lift them up. Al, Eric, Steve, Harley, Teresa, Mike, Larry, and I could go on and on. It is good to see Peder back from Aruba and Esther back from Ireland. These two have helped at the mission before they left to grow in Christ in the medical field and music. Dan (my brother) is coming in today on his way to China. It will be good to spend a little time before he heads out. 2008 is right around the corner and I am looking forward to the great things that God is going to do. Don't forget that with great progress comes great trials. The good news is that with God on our side there is always VICTORY!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Well here we are counting down to Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. So much to be thankful for. I hope you thank God everyday for His many blessings. This is a good time before the end of the year to examine your life and see where you are at between you and God. The Bible says to examine your life and see if you are in the household of faith. (2Cor.13:5) We can get so busy doing "God's work" we don't really know what He wants or where He is going. Pray for Jeremy as we are suppose to take him to Teen Challenge on Wednesday. He said God is talking to him to get off the drugs. Praise God!!! There are many like him that are in SLE's (sober living environment) who we have worked with. Pray that God will be the purpose in their life rather then just being sober. All that work to be sober and yet without God. The odds of them falling back is extremely high without God. Pray for Jacob who is in Janus that he will complete the program and will find His Savior. Thanks Rob for your word from God. (Comment on last blog) We are going to Arizona for our once a year break. It is going to be great as we will be seeing all of my brothers and families for the first time in a lot of years. It may be the last time for many years as Mark is going to New Guinea and Dan lives in China. It is good to be God's hand's and feet every day. I thank Him that He use's me a little bit in His kingdom. To God be the Glory !!!!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Hello everyone. Here we are in October so close to the end of 07. We are in the middle of probably the biggest spiritual battle since I have been here. (Almost 5 years) The good news is that despite the battle, despite the trials, God is still changing lives and we are in His will. James 1 says to count it joy. why? 1 Peter 4:12-13 tells us we are partakers in Christ's suffering. (Also 1 Peter 1:6-9)You are going through this for Him and with Him. That takes the sting out of it and takes the focus off of you and on to Jesus.
2 Corinthians 1:3-5 In your hard times remember it will not be wasted. God uses these times to not only help us grow closer to Him but also to help others. Times are coming to America to turn her back to God. Times of judgement. The Bible says judgement starts with the house of God. That has been going on for some time as billions are being spent to figure how to get more people in the church and it attendence gets less every year. The only thing missing is the Holy Spirit. Hard times are to bring us back to obedience.
Ps 119:67 Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word.
Ps 119:71 It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.
Spend time waiting on God to show you what your suppose to learn through this time. God bless you. Steve at the mission said " We know it is going to turn out good because I cheated and read the end chapter."

Saturday, August 18, 2007

God is so amazing !! His presence is becoming more and more powerful. We are seeking to know more of Him and love others as He loves us. So many today are seeking miracles, signs and wonders. We see these everyday. The fact that I can walk down the street and have a clear mind, free from lustful thoughts. Praying with someone and watching their life change day by day. The ability to have 75 or more druggies and alcoholics of all ages in a hot sanctuary, preaching to them for a half hour and you could hear a pin drop. That is a miracle... The wonder of having a burden for someones soul that all you can do is weep for them. The signs of God bringing unity to a bunch men from off the streets who compose our staff. Prayers in which we break the enemy's blockade and enter the throne room of the Almighty God. Open your eyes they are all around us and I haven't even gotten to the personal ones that happen every day. Glory to God, praise His Holy name. We don't need more emotion (helping people feel good about themselves) we need more obedience. The closer you get to God the more miracles, signs and wonders follow you around. Get up a little earlier or go to bed a little later and give that time to God and watch the amazing things that will happen in your life. Ben

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

It has been almost a month since the last post. It has been an amazing journey for this time. Some days so tough, some days feeling the power of the Holy Spirit so close you just weep. Preaching some times roaring out and others fighting to get out. Knowing that at any time Jesus might walk in and fill the place with power as in Pentecost. If you have lost your joy or maybe its been a hard time in your life, this link is the reality of why we are here. Let everything go but Jesus, look to Him right now.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

This is a picture of the first day at vbs. The Beach Flats, a place where low income Hispanics live, is a place we felt God said we are to reach out to. We are having a great time and they are loving it. God is helping us to show them God's love. We are excited to be working with Faith Community to make this happen. They are a new church and it is great to work together with other believers in Christ. The theme for this week is why we are here. The meaning of life. My mom, Sandy is here this week and it is fun to have her here helping us out. I had one of the kids ask me if we will be having this next week they don't want it to stop. Pray that the ones who have come to Christ and those who prayed for forgiveness will keep going and this will be a change for the rest of their lives.We want to thank all those who gave money for the prizes and material needed to make this a fun event for the kids.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Wow! Time flies when your serving God. The Bible says it is like a flower that sprouts up and then fades, like a vapor. It will be five years ago, next month, when my Uncle Larry went to be with the Lord. It will be two years since Ruthie went to Glory and told Jesus we needed some help down here at Elm St. It has been a little difficult as I have been working at the house, on the deck and also at Larry's place. I have been focused on the mission only for over a year so it's taking a little change to do both. God continues to work on people's lives one at a time. We are doing a vbs for the Beach Flat kids. (These are the Hispanic kids that most seems to overlook in Santa Cruz) God has supplied the people (my mom is one of them) and two churches have supplied money to help. Praise God for all that He does and will be doing. I have been praying for those who started towards God and have fallen away or are struggling. It has been a hard time praying, which is okay, as we live by faith, not feelings. Cory showed up on Wednesday night telling that I helped him (God using me) to get through the drugs. He has a job and is praying and reading his Bible. Hallelujah God rocks!!!!! When you wonder what is going on in people's lives just give it to God and continue on, He will complete the work.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Hello everyone and God's mercy and grace be upon you. I want to praise God because He deserves it and all thanks to Him for His loving kindness. Things have been moving at God's speed. When He says slow down and listen that is what we do. Sometimes we have to go around a service of 90 people searching out those whose heart has been softened by the word. Time is short and the harvest is great so everything you do needs to be to the glory of God. I have been doing some construction work to rebuild my body after losing about every bit of muscle. I was down to 159 pounds after normally I maintain around 200. God has everything planned out for our lives if we will stop and listen. To many times we wait for an answer and when one doesn't come instantly we do what comes naturally, which gets us into trouble. Pray for Andreas who is going through a hard time in his life. Pray for Larry who the doctors said almost died the other night. He told me he is ready to meet God. Pray for Paul, Tiff's grandfather who has been through surgeries and doesn't know Jesus. I haven't been on the Internet very much so this is why the blogs have slowed down. Thank you Lord for taking care of all our needs. Ben

Friday, May 11, 2007

Hello, I'm back and would like to share a little of what God has done in the last 40 days. I won't make this to long because so much has happened. We have had salvation's, two baptisms, and many changes that are happening. God has been pouring out His Spirit in the Tuesday night prayer meetings. His hand of protection has been on us mightily as we have been running between 70-90 on the weekend night services. This time has changed me from the inside out as God has redone who I am. This is hard to explain but for those who know me I have always been a person of clutter and don't see messes most of the time. During this time I redid almost every room in the mission straightening and cleaning. Many helped because I had energy but no strength. I also did all the cupboards in my house. God's strength is the only way I could have made it and He gets all the Glory. Thank you for your prayers and support. Thanks to the staff who had to do extra for me. I have a big, big thank you for my wife as she had to do her job around the house as well as mine that involved heavy lifting. Her prayers kept me going and gave me strength. More to come but God bless and don't forget all around you people are dying and going to hell and need a Savior.

Friday, March 30, 2007

God is very good. He is on the throne of my life and I will worship and praise Him today and always. We have had many lives that are being turned around and set free. Keep praying for Steve who went to Teen Challenge. He is doing good saved baptized and on his way for Jesus. Pray for James, he went to the Celebrate Recovery at the Mission on Wednesday and Steve and Jon talked to him about his life. The next day we got him into Teen Challenge and we are looking forward to what God is going to do in his life. It has been great teaming up with Teen Challenge because they have a program already set up and it is all about Jesus changing lives. No self help, self is the one who helped us get where we are at. I wrote earlier about Ray who needed alot of help. He is back with his family but pray that he will allow God to run His life. We are under attack by the enemy of our souls but that means we are doing something right. All praise and thanks to God for victory. I will be off line till mid May for some time with God only. Keep praying for us as God is doing and will do greater things. Something to think about
Watch your thoughts they become words
Watch your words they become actions
Watch your action they become character
Watch your character for it becomes your destiny
As Jesus said "Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation, the Spirit truly is willing but the flesh is weak."
Keep trusting and obeying for their is no other way to be happy in Jesus.
For me to live is Christ to die is gain
Verse to read: Phillipians 1:29
God bless you all till I write again.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hello, hope everyone is doing great today. God is awesome as always. Tonight three came up to the front to turn their lives over to Christ. In the last week we have had five. Pray for Mike who turned his life over to Christ that he would grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. We went to Arizona last Sunday afternoon and got back in town today so I could preach this evening. God's presence has been so close lately and it is amazing to have a room full of street people and yet you could hear a pin drop. The peace of God passes all understanding. We appreciate all the prayers that you hold us up with. Without prayer we would be just another mission that feeds, clothes and encourages instead of show the love of Jesus and preaches repentance from sin. Souls are won or lost in the prayer closet. Speaking without power is like a restaurant with a menu but no food. The pictures look great the descriptions are making us hungry but we can't get filled. God gets all the glory because without Him we can do nothing. Do not be weary with well doing because you will reap if you faint not. If you are struggling right now start praising God and watch the devil flee and you get the victory over everything.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

What an amazing service we had this morning. It wasn’t anything that we could try and conjure up but a move of the Spirit. We were in the middle of testimonies about “what has God has been doing in your life?” We were having some great testimonies and a guy named Justin raised his hand and said I want to get saved. I was not expecting this as most people aren’t asking to come to Christ until you talk to them or maybe after a sermon. He was telling everyone that some things had happened in his life and he needed to saved. I was praying for wisdom for what to do, either go to him in the pew or have him come up to the front. I had him come up front so everyone could come up and pray for him. When he got up there I told him to pray and tell God he was sorry for his sins and was ready to give all and live for Him. After that was done Kelli said she love God so much she wanted more. She said I want to give God everything and get saved again. I told her well you can’t get more saved but if you are ready to give it all up to God then you need to die to yourself and allow God to sanctify you. I was getting ready to preach on holiness so it was very timely. Another lady wanted prayer to get rid of the fear in her life I asked if anybody else wanted to come up for prayer. Teresa came up and rededicated her life to Christ as she had started to walk away from God’s will in her life. Wow!!!!!!!!!!! God is amazing. It is great to watch God work and He gets all the glory we just pray and watch Him at work. I am always ready for God to come in a change the order of any service to He can be glorified. Praise the name of Jesus. Thank you Lord for sending your Holy Spirit to help us. We need a lot of it.

Monday, February 12, 2007

We are moving ahead with Christ as our Commander in Chief. We are doing our best to keep step with where He is going. Pray for Darrel and Wanda a couple that is really wanting to stop drinking. He was in the hospital for 33 days and almost died. We were on the streets last night praying for them and they need a touch that only God can give. Mike Crane preached on Sunday morning about the demons getting cast our by Jesus and going into the pigs. It is amazing today that just as in that day we are more shocked when someone leaves the past and gets into their right mind than all the filthy junk that goes on today. We get so worried about the finances (pigs) the shock of someone by the fire in their lives which leaves us looking bad that we push Jesus away. Is their anyone still reading this blog? We have a company in town that is going to change out the whole electrical panel at the mission. This is going to be a big help Praise God!!!!!! Keep us in your prayers as we fight on the front lines of addicted lives that need a one on one with Jesus. Their is nothing we can say or do which can change them without the power of the Holy Spirit doing a work. It is good to be used by God. If you haven't given all, (I mean your sleep, food, money, TV, movies, your precious time, whatever He requires from you) then it's time. Disclaimer(This is just a list to jog your memory not a manual). He is wanting to move in your life like you've never seen but you have to have all on the altar. If your not sure just ask believe me He will let you know.

Monday, February 05, 2007

It’s February and we are praising God for everything. There is a reason for the downturns and trials of life. These are to grow us in the Lord and our reliance on Him. We have praise for a lady named Jen and her three kids. She came to Christ a few months ago. Someone gave her a car, she got a job, and then some people from our Wednesday night group helped her get into a house. Please be in prayer for her. Pray for Cory as he has been off drugs for only 5 days and is trying to get into New Life rehab. I am meeting him at two today for a Bible study as he is trying to grow in Christ. Keep Eve and Joe the have only two weeks clean and this is the hardest time for them. They are following God but as anyone that has come off of hard drugs knows that the withdrawal isn’t easy. God has the victory for them if they keep their eyes on Him. We are planning for a VBS for the beach flat kids this summer. Pray that many lives will be touched. I have been skating at the Scottsvalley park with a bunch of kids it has been great. There are so many kids that want to go and with the Sunday School getting bigger we are going to have to pray for a big van. My God will supply all our needs according to His riches in Glory. Keep us all in your prayers. Ben

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Well 07 is off and running full tilt as expected. It will never slow down until everything falls apart or we die and see Jesus. (Time won't matter) There is so much going on I don't know where to start or how to end. We just finished tiling the kitchen. The back shed is half way done with the structure. The mural is still being worked on and as usual looks great. Patrick an electrician I met has been working on getting the antiquated electrical fixed. There is a possability of carpet being donated for the sanctuary. We have had so many clothes donated its hard to fit them all in the shed. We have food packed in every available freezer and dry goods in every possible place to store. There is more coming so I guess we will have to start figuring out ways to help more people. The kids in the sunday school are doing great. I asked ellisel if he had asked Christ to come into his heart and he said yes. Praise God for all He has done and is doing. I preached at the jail (farm) yesterday and God moved a couple of people came forward for God and pray that they will continue when they get out. Tiff has had some great spiritual breakthroughs lately so another praise to the King of Kings. Kids are doing great Mikaela is enjoying school and Caeden is becoming more fun everyday. I am heading out tomorrow for senior pastors pray summit. I didn't know that I was a senior pastor but I guess because two other pastors speak at the mission I am one. Titles are not really a big priority for me. It is amusing though when people see me in my shorts, t-shirt tennis shoes and hear that I'm a pastor their mouth kinda drops. People have a funny view on how a pastor looks. God has been working on the street kids and I am going to start a Bible study with them. We have about 8 street couples we are working with so pray for them as God is really convicting them. The Spirit was very powerful today and nobody wanted to leave so we just kept singing songs. Even after most left we kept talking about God and what He is doing and didn't leave till around 2:30. Keep obedient and listening to the still small voice. God bless.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Well it has been a while since I posted. We have had so many things happen during these last three weeks. We had four people come to Christ on the streets, pray for their continued growth in Him. Pray for Jacob that is struggling with relapsing that he would give it all to God. We thank God for the many that are growing closer to God. We had a great Christmas getting way more then expected. Some on Tiffiny's side of family are big present givers they really get into it. God gave us the greatest gift His Son. Steve and Sandy Palm (my parents) were here right after Christmas which was great. Dad preached on the 31st and mom sang, they both did a great job. We went on our eight wedding anniversary, January 2nd, to Monterey and it was good to get away. The mission is still peaceful and we thank God for that, as it can get crazy around here sometimes. This year we are planning on a putting in a shower at the mission and are starting laying tile in the kitchen this week. It is starting off as a great year. We have had many to pray with and many asking questions about their lives. Praise God for His patience with us.