Monday, December 18, 2006

Well it is officially cold here in Santa Cruz. It feels like Christmas with the ice on the windows. It has been an amazing year watching many come up the road spiritually. We have come under many attacks but through God we are always victorous. Chuck and Kelli have been coming to the mission for a while. Kelli has really been growing in Christ. She was so excited tonight she read the book of John last night and is going to read Luke. God has given the mission a car to give them. It is great to see the excitement of New Believers. It keeps us on our toes and we have to make sure we are being the example that God wants us to be. We are going to have a meeting for the Elm Street board on the first of January. Dad and mom will be here and dad will preach on the 31st. God has been taking care of us (although the money comes just in the nick of time.) this whole year. It has been a great year of learning to live by faith. With no money to fall back on and not a dime in savings it is great to have a big God. This is not a whine or a call for money it is a fact that God has wanted us to really know how to live by faith. Thank you for all your support and prayers. Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 07, 2006

We are heading in a rush towards the greatest miracle that ever happened on the earth. God was made flesh and lived among us as Jesus. Because Jesus lives in us we give each other presents for His b-day. As giving to each other we have done it unto Him. (Maybe a little bit of a broad translation) It was a great Wednesday night feeding as usual. Jennifer (someone Steve has been working on) told me that after my sermon the other night she quit smoking. Pray for her and her friend Courtney. The newsletter went out today Praise God !!!!! That has been months in the making. (Time constraints) Keep praying for women’s Bible study and the men’s Celebrate Recovery. We had an incredible day today on the mall. People were stopping constantly for prayer and Bibles. Pablo stopped to play a game of chess and then in a little bit he was telling God he was sorry for his sins. Pray that he will continue in the walk of faith and the enemy will not take what happened away. He said man I feel a change in my life. Praise God Again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then Efrom a psychology major did the same and says he wants to come to the mission to help. I tried to leave and it took about a half an hour to get out of their because people kept stopping by for prayer to be healed for life situations, so the voices in their heads would quit. To God be the glory for the things He has done. My daughter Mikaela was a preschool yesterday and she talked to her friends asking them if they knew how to pray. They didn’t know so she taught them. Are we following her example with those around us letting them know what Christ has done in us? Jesus wasn’t ashamed to talk to everyone about His Father how about us. Let us be Godly correct instead of politically correct.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thanksgiving is over and gone. We still have a lot to be thankful for. Had a good time in Arizona with parents. We are back to the grind going back to full speed. We had a great Sunday School today learning about Sampson and how we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. We are heading down to the Mission in a few minutes for the evening service. Keep God first in all you do so it is done right. More later after computer is fixed. Thank you God for everything.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Well, we are heading to Thanksgiving a time to slow down and think about how much we have to be grateful for. The Spirit has been increasing this last weekend. God was speaking to many street people and I had an opportunity to pray with and talk about their relationship with Christ. I’ve had many come up to me and say wow you guys preaching is getting better. I laugh, and say “The Spirit is getting stronger so you think we’re getting better.” Pray for Tom who rededicated his life to Christ. Ray who has around four weeks to live needs prayer so he will give his life to God. Its hits you hard when you see someone dying before your eyes and there isn’t anything you can do. All you can say is of no avail, only the power of God through prayer can change him. Keep holding on for Monday night Coffee House when we work with the street kids. This Sunday I’m going to Flagstaff for a much needed break to hang out with family. I was working with a kid named Kyle that lives their and so I will be calling him to see how he’s doing. Some praises!!!!!! Kelly was helping us and got entangled in drugs and her mind wasn’t doing to good. We were really praying for her and out of the blue she came by with her family and they were taking her back to live with them. We have seen growth among those who have turned towards Jesus. It takes time for some that have been in a fog for most of their life. Well I have to go to the Dentist for some teeth cleaning so this is a short one. God’s blood (blessing) be upon you. Ben

Monday, October 30, 2006

mural being painted at mission
Well time flies while your having fun. I must be having a lot of it because this year is almost gone and where did it go. The last couple of weeks there has been a lot of people to disciple. Tiff has been running 8-10 ladies in the Wednesday bible study and Jon has had around 6 in the celebrate recovery biblical twelve step. We have started a Tuesday night prayer meeting and have had seven show up. Now days this is a lot to have in a prayer meeting which is sad. It is going to increase here in a little bit as God moves on His people. I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving so I can have some rest. This is our yearly vacation. Something to think about. What did you do for Christ last week? If not much don’t feel guilty start today asking God to bring someone across your path to tell them about Christ. Who knows you might be an instrument that God uses for their repentance. It works every time I ask Him. Yesterday was the last day that the Sunday school would be in the Beach Flats. This Sunday we will be bringing them to the mission. One exciting thing the palm reader at the head of the street entering the Beach Flats looks like it closed down. Praise God. Pray for protection as we go out tomorrow night to pray and praise God on the mall in the chaos of Halloween.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Once again its two weeks that have gone by. God is working on many hearts. Some are changing before my eyes, others they show back up and we can tell what a difference in their life. The biggest problem is that some of them aren’t doing it with God’s help but with the governments. The chance of them relapsing is very high. We have started a mural which when finished will be seen from the mall and show Jesus and scripture. Pray for Royce who told Jesus he was tired of his life and needed His help. Ray who has six months to live is around fifty and was weeping like a baby realizing how scared he was about the other side (this guy is one of the toughest guys on the streets). After the spiritual breakthrough two weeks ago it is a big difference in everything in the daily life of the mission. It has become easier to preach as well as talk and pray with others. We are starting a prayer meeting on Tuesday night and have quite a few coming so praise God. Remember your relationship with God is primary and your relationship with others is next. How is your walk with God and when is the last time you told someone about Him. Most people I know the thing they hold dear is what they talk about. Stephen the behind the scenes benevolent pastor (today’s terms) was the first martyred for preaching the gospel. What is your testimony today. God bless better quit or I’ll start preaching.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Its been two weeks since my last post. Last week I had hit the end of my energy limit due to lack of sleep due to ministering and praying in the middle of the night. (I’m not asking or seeking pity it is what I am called to do) Monday night we had some disagreement issues with other people working down at the mission and spent a few hours with that. Then up part of night praying and thinking about it. Had to take Mike’s food run earlier that day so my week started off way behind. (Monday morning I usually take a break till around noon) By Wednesday night I could barely stay awake driving home I was in a daze. Thursday morning around three I told Tiff I needed some prayer for healing because I was getting really sick. I could feel it coming on strong. I was going to speak at Tracy prison on Saturday and knew that God wanted me there. I spent most of Thursday in bed. Friday my third busiest day I was ready and raring to go all Praise to God for His healing. (The guy who I was around that was sick was out of it till yesterday as well as all his staff sick) Friday there was around ten that raised their hand for special prayer as God was dealing with them. Saturday at Tracy prison was a special day as always. The first service, which is 2.5 hours long, there was over 120 prisoners. It was amazing on the altar call a whole bunch of them came forward. (numbers are not important) God is awesome all glory to Him. The second service was for those who are already Christians and that lasted three hours. The presence of the Holy Spirit was powerful and you tell this is the way its always suppose to be. The praise band did a wonderful job offering up worship to the King. Yesterday at the mission Tiff spoke and many were touched by the message. The other great news is this morning there was a break through in prayer. We have been in intense warfare for almost three months. I was asking God how long till His promised outpouring of His Spirit and why it was easy to preach in the prison and such a battle at the mission. He had me open to Hebrews and gave me 10:23 as my word thank you Jesus. I get excited and can ramble on and on about how awesome God is so see you and have a good week. God’s blood be upon you ( the meaning of God bless you)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Happy Monday to everyone or anyone. It was an amazing week watching God at work. Feels like we are starting to have breakthroughs after these last months of battles with the enemy. Last Wednesday we had a busy night. I was wondering why the day street ministry was light and then I understood. We had over three hundred people to feed. Don and Jen were getting into a place. Courtney , a pregnant girl was trying to get into a hotel that night and had been having a hard time that day. Angela, another pregnant girl we have been working with was going through a lot herself. I called tiff to come down and talk and pray with these two girls. Tiff and another Jada (Jon’s wife) spent time working with them. I was getting medication for Bob a nineteen year old that had been stabbed (the knife was one centimeter from killing him). He has a pregnant girlfriend and it gave me a chance to talk and pray with them. Bob grew up in church and knows what he needs to do. Jon started celebrate recovery at the mission had nine people for his first class. There wasn’t anything for the women but now the women’s Bible study is going to be on Wednesdays. Thursday I went to the fair to work at a booth that offered prayer and handed out Bibles. It was great how many people we handed out Bibles to and gave our testimonies. We were getting ready to leave so we decided to have some prayer for all the people we had talked to. We finished, and a mom, her son and grandma was standing there so we started talking to them. They were looking for a church so we gave them information about the church that was sponsoring the booth. They started asking me questions about the church but I told them I went to a different one. When they found out about the Elm Street Church and realized that they were living in apartments about five hundred feet away they decided to go there. So we had quite a few new people that God brought yesterday and like I said watching God work is amazing. I better stop because there is more and I get excited talking about my Savior and so God bless you and may His light shine on you this week.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Well here we are into another week. More chances to impact those around us for Christ. I had a very busy weekend with two sermons preached and speaking at a seminar for teenager leaders and their youth pastors at Mission Springs Camp. It was a great time and good to see teens desiring to follow God with everything. I am so used to youth of today only talking about the next video game or fun thing they are getting or doing. Pray for Kelly she is wanting to do more for God as well as know more about Him. She has started a discipleship study book and has already memorized scripture (She had been in an accident and has a very hard time memorizing) Praise God. Pray for Johnny and Lola and their family who just started coming to the mission on Sunday morning. Pray for Todd (My tile guy from construction days) God is moving on him. Pray for Marcos he came to us as we were on the streets ministering around two months ago. He was separated from his family and the doctors told him he had pancreatic cancer with six months to live. He didn’t want to live and was going to drink himself to death. We spent some time talking to him and praying for healing. Two weeks ago he came by and with tears of joy told us our prayers had healed him. Isn’t God awesome!!!! Pray for him to turn his life over to Christ as he has been drinking for thirty years. God continues to move on lives. Ask God to use you today to tell someone about Him.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Here we go again, off to a new week for God. Some good reports in the last few days. Pray for Dave who rededicated his life to Christ last night. Pray for Sky a girl going through some hard times that we have been praying for. Out of the blue she showed up yesterday after church and Tiff and I got to talk to her about God and pray with her. We are going to work on sending her home to be reunited with family. Pray for Todd a tile layer from when I was doing construction. He was in the service yesterday and God is really working on him. There is so many souls to pray for the list goes on and on don't forget to stop when you read this and call out to God for those around you. He does a much better job at reaching them then all the great words we have or marvelous materials we have. We need a whole lot of prayer for Coffee House tonight the teenagers and young adults on the streets need a major touch. Meth is so easy to get and so addictive and is destroying these lives. Thanks the Lord for all He is doing and is going to do in our lives and your lives. God bless you all, if anyone is reading this.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Had a good service tonight no one came forward but many hands raised for prayer. Pray for Kathleen she said the sermon made her think and that is a first as far as I know. Pray for Robert who is trying to do right. Had a great Wednesday out at farmers market got to speak with a few people about their relationship with Jesus. Pray for me, the enemy has been stopping me from sleeping lately but God has been giving me miraculous energy. There is a lot going on around here and we are running to keep up with God. We are waiting for God to bring us a plumber and another electrician so that we can get the shower done and wire in for a coffee maker, its a big one. Celebrate Recovery starts next Wednesday (that is Christian twelve step) so we are looking forward to that. Pray for Al that he will find a place to sleep before the rain hits. He is a guy who got saved a couple of months ago and has been a real help around the mission. God is amazing and I love Him.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Well we are getting ready for another service tonight at the mission. This week has gone by amazingly fast. I'm having fun. Tomorrow morning we are at Bible Club in the Beach Flats at 8:30 a.m. and the subject is prayer. We are done around 10:15 and then head over to the mission for morning service. We have a staff meeting afterword and them I am suppose to meet with a couple about some things in their life. Then at 4:40 p.m. mission starts again. Despite all the business the focus is lives being changed, repentence, growth, and of course most important obedience to God. Well I had some excercise yesterday at Ernie's Birthday. I played two volleyball games at least I was on the winning side for one of them. Most of the time the only excercise I get is walking up and down the mall, singing with all I'm worth or moving groceries around the mission. Keep praying for us we are under constant attack from the enemy. If you have ever been on the front lines you'll understand these are very intense even physical but we know Jesus is the victor. Steve S. says we knows who wins he looked at the end of the book. When we stand before out Creator and out Savior and our guide we will not thing of the trials and tribulations (which are small in America compared to others) we will celebrate with all our might for God helping us be triumphant. Praise His Name.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Well here it is Thursday already and it is a half day at the mission. There are a total of three half days. Pray for Don a fifty-five year old artist I really had a good talk to him yesterday about his relationship with Jesus. He is a throw back from the hippie days and with parents that came out of that I can relate a little. I met him playing chess with a guy he knows at the roasting company. Today is Bible study on the book of Acts and we are studying how it applies to modern day move of the Spirit. It is easy to think that we have Him figured out and what the formula is for Him to move. The reality is start with obedience and see what happens. People ask me all the time, where is my office at the mission? The only place I think I could call it is on Pacific Avenue that is where I spend my afternoons. I guess that is the way Jesus did it and I like to keep it simple kinda like Him. Well I hope everyone is having a good day. Don't forget to slow down and help someone today and tell them Jesus loves them. Ben

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Well its been a long day and time to get my normal five hours. There has been a lot going on in the last 24 hours. Pray for Aaron a guy that got saved ( told God he wanted to live for Him). He has had problems with enemy possession and needs prayer. I have been working with a new couple that have a 4 month old and were going to be on the streets but we have been helping them with a hotel for a few nights working on getting them a place to rent. Their names are Donald and Jen. They are trying to live for God and need to get away from the streets. Pray for Royce who gave his life to Christ last Wednesday. I have a big day tomorrow going out on the streets to see who God brings into Jacobs and my path. I have been playing chess lately, actually quite a bit, it has become a good tool to talk to people about God and break into their life in a different way. I have a travel set I walk down the street with. I carry a big Bible in one hand and a chess set in the other. God is good and we are excited with what He has done and is continuing to do. God Bless You Ben

Monday, August 21, 2006

Well here is an older picture but its us
Well its Monday morning and we are setting up for a new week. We have a coffee house tonight working with the younger kids on the streets. We have had a few break throughs working with them. A group of us have been fasting and praying for God to move in this age group. We have been seeing salvations among the 40 and older but nothing in the teenager to early 20. Most of the kids are on meth and this has caused mental problems as well as a hardness of heart. Many are also into wiccan and wearing the pentagram. We know who has the victory "Jesus Christ" and there is more with us, we are on the winning side. We are breaking down the enemy strongholds in the name of Jesus and the blood shed on the cross. Praise His Name.