Friday, June 15, 2007

Wow! Time flies when your serving God. The Bible says it is like a flower that sprouts up and then fades, like a vapor. It will be five years ago, next month, when my Uncle Larry went to be with the Lord. It will be two years since Ruthie went to Glory and told Jesus we needed some help down here at Elm St. It has been a little difficult as I have been working at the house, on the deck and also at Larry's place. I have been focused on the mission only for over a year so it's taking a little change to do both. God continues to work on people's lives one at a time. We are doing a vbs for the Beach Flat kids. (These are the Hispanic kids that most seems to overlook in Santa Cruz) God has supplied the people (my mom is one of them) and two churches have supplied money to help. Praise God for all that He does and will be doing. I have been praying for those who started towards God and have fallen away or are struggling. It has been a hard time praying, which is okay, as we live by faith, not feelings. Cory showed up on Wednesday night telling that I helped him (God using me) to get through the drugs. He has a job and is praying and reading his Bible. Hallelujah God rocks!!!!! When you wonder what is going on in people's lives just give it to God and continue on, He will complete the work.

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