Monday, February 12, 2007

We are moving ahead with Christ as our Commander in Chief. We are doing our best to keep step with where He is going. Pray for Darrel and Wanda a couple that is really wanting to stop drinking. He was in the hospital for 33 days and almost died. We were on the streets last night praying for them and they need a touch that only God can give. Mike Crane preached on Sunday morning about the demons getting cast our by Jesus and going into the pigs. It is amazing today that just as in that day we are more shocked when someone leaves the past and gets into their right mind than all the filthy junk that goes on today. We get so worried about the finances (pigs) the shock of someone by the fire in their lives which leaves us looking bad that we push Jesus away. Is their anyone still reading this blog? We have a company in town that is going to change out the whole electrical panel at the mission. This is going to be a big help Praise God!!!!!! Keep us in your prayers as we fight on the front lines of addicted lives that need a one on one with Jesus. Their is nothing we can say or do which can change them without the power of the Holy Spirit doing a work. It is good to be used by God. If you haven't given all, (I mean your sleep, food, money, TV, movies, your precious time, whatever He requires from you) then it's time. Disclaimer(This is just a list to jog your memory not a manual). He is wanting to move in your life like you've never seen but you have to have all on the altar. If your not sure just ask believe me He will let you know.


Anonymous said...

OF COURSE PEOPLE ARE STILL READING THIS BLOG!!!! It should be, "Is there anyone still reading this blog ?" You wrote," Is their..."
We love you folk.
1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

Stephen Washburn said...

Yes it's being read here in Idaho!
Hi Ben, Mike, and all!
Steve and Naomi