Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Well its been a long day and time to get my normal five hours. There has been a lot going on in the last 24 hours. Pray for Aaron a guy that got saved ( told God he wanted to live for Him). He has had problems with enemy possession and needs prayer. I have been working with a new couple that have a 4 month old and were going to be on the streets but we have been helping them with a hotel for a few nights working on getting them a place to rent. Their names are Donald and Jen. They are trying to live for God and need to get away from the streets. Pray for Royce who gave his life to Christ last Wednesday. I have a big day tomorrow going out on the streets to see who God brings into Jacobs and my path. I have been playing chess lately, actually quite a bit, it has become a good tool to talk to people about God and break into their life in a different way. I have a travel set I walk down the street with. I carry a big Bible in one hand and a chess set in the other. God is good and we are excited with what He has done and is continuing to do. God Bless You Ben

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