Thursday, May 22, 2008

When I think of what Jesus has done for me tears well up in my eyes and my heart is full of praise. It makes the trials seem so small and distant. When I think of the love that He put in my heart for others it amazes me as well as drives me to see them born again. We have had some pretty big changes here at the mission. I went into a time of prayer and fasting to hear from God as to what He wanted. John 15:2b is the scripture that I received as God wants us to be more fruitful. We have pruned Monday night Coffee House, Wednesday night feeding, Friday service and Saturday lunch. We have many we are working with that are close to repentance and we are looking forward to working more one on one. We also feel, due to the economy that the pantry program will be expanding. We are waiting on God because we want Him to build the church. Programs don't build His church but the power of the Holy Spirit bringing souls to Him. Mike and I have been teaching a Bible study at the Roundtree Medium Jail and God has been so near. Pray for those that we have been working with and praying with that they will be saved. We at the mission are excited and unified with the direction God is moving and look forward to the outpouring of His Spirit.