Monday, September 04, 2006

Here we go again, off to a new week for God. Some good reports in the last few days. Pray for Dave who rededicated his life to Christ last night. Pray for Sky a girl going through some hard times that we have been praying for. Out of the blue she showed up yesterday after church and Tiff and I got to talk to her about God and pray with her. We are going to work on sending her home to be reunited with family. Pray for Todd a tile layer from when I was doing construction. He was in the service yesterday and God is really working on him. There is so many souls to pray for the list goes on and on don't forget to stop when you read this and call out to God for those around you. He does a much better job at reaching them then all the great words we have or marvelous materials we have. We need a whole lot of prayer for Coffee House tonight the teenagers and young adults on the streets need a major touch. Meth is so easy to get and so addictive and is destroying these lives. Thanks the Lord for all He is doing and is going to do in our lives and your lives. God bless you all, if anyone is reading this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm reading your comments and it keeps me remembering the mission, and to pray for the various people you talk about.